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Question: What's Your Biggest Challenge?Views: 887
May 17, 2008 9:25 pmQuestion: What's Your Biggest Challenge?#

Hank Cramer
Hey Everyone -

I just thought I'd throw this out there to get some feedback:

What's your biggest challenge as a webmaster?

Is it coding, graphic / artwork, generating traffic, defining requirements, etc.

Tell us a bit about it, how you currently approach dealing with it, and what you think may help you out with mastering a solution.



Private Reply to Hank Cramer

May 26, 2008 9:55 pmre: Question: What's Your Biggest Challenge?#

Vanessa Shelton
Hi Hank, good question.

I consider myself more of a writer than a webmaster, but I have done quite a few website "makeovers" and really enjoy it.

The artistic part used to be my biggest downfall, but I found a partner who has a great eye and design skills. So now I can explain the concept and she does the actual creating. I think that finding and forming partnerships where you balance each others strengths and weaknesses is usually a good way to go - even though partnerships can sometimes present their own challenges.

The challenge I'm dealing with now is keeping my skills up-to-date. It seems the standards change so quickly that everytime I learn something new, I discover 2 other things I need to learn. Right now I'm trying to find/design an effective self study because I can't afford the time or money to go back to school.

The Right Words - The Right Way

Private Reply to Vanessa Shelton

May 27, 2008 3:05 amre: re: Question: What's Your Biggest Challenge?#

Hank Cramer
I'm more of a thinker and logic person than the creative type too.
I would love to find someone with the creative skills needed for some of my projects.
As far as keeeping skills up to date - one that I really like is:
ACM - Association for Computing Machinery.
Kind of a stuffy name, but check out their Books and Courses.

They're actually pretty good and a 1 year membership is only about $100.


Private Reply to Hank Cramer

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