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SEO - Google PageRankViews: 787
Oct 25, 2007 2:45 pmSEO - Google PageRank#

Hank Cramer
Just curious -

Do you value Google's PageRank system?

If so what do you do to increase your PageRanks?

Has Google's new PageRank algorithm affected any of your PageRanks?

What's your highest PageRank on any of your sites?


Private Reply to Hank Cramer

Oct 26, 2007 12:54 amre: SEO - Google PageRank#

Donna Evans
I don't know what my Google Page Rank is and to be quite honest I don't pay attention to these numbers. What matters to me is coming up on the first or second page of the search engines. For the most part I concentrate on Google and Yahoo.

In my opinion, the average "Joe" does not care if you are a 1 or 9. They only care about what's on those first couple of pages. If they don't find what they are looking for there, then they will usually type in some other phrase in the search box.


Private Reply to Donna Evans

Oct 26, 2007 6:02 amre: SEO - Google PageRank#

Jayant Patil

Google page rank definately counts in keeping your site at higher position. If you download the Google Tool Bar on your computer, you can know the page rank of any web site. It is on a zero to ten scale and the green bar indicates the position.

Backlinking to sites having more than 4 PR, improves the page rank of your site which ultimately boosts the seo efforts for top ranking.


Private Reply to Jayant Patil

Nov 02, 2007 3:09 pmre: SEO - Google PageRank#

Matt Wiseley
I've got to agree with Donna. I'm much more concerned with the search results. While Page Rank is part of what controls the search results, it's only one part of the equation, and since Google changes Page Rank at will and doesn't disclose exactly how search results are tabulated, it's always going to be voodoo. The system can be played, of course, but the best tactic I've found is to make sure your site has good, fresh, relevant content for the keywords you're trying to serve and that the search engines can read it. The rest, if Google does their job well, just falls into place.

Matt Wiseley, Owner
EditMe - The Easy Wiki Host

Private Reply to Matt Wiseley

Nov 03, 2007 5:16 pmre: SEO - Google PageRank#

Sachana U
hello all

This is what my observation tells me... If there are 50 sites that should ideally apppear on the 1st page of Search Engines for a particular keyword... SE will give preference to the ones with high PR.

So PR is important... but its more to do with content that anything else... my personal blog (kewl-kapricornian) has got a PR of 3 from ZERO during Google PR update last week. And I haven't exchanged links with any sites for this blog.

While SEO is more than just updating content, it does the maximum good for the site.


Private Reply to Sachana U

Nov 03, 2007 5:42 pmre: re: SEO - Google PageRank#

Sachana U
oops... missed this... u can check ur PR here



Private Reply to Sachana U

Nov 29, 2007 10:01 pmre: SEO - Google PageRank#

Mitch Mitchell
Actually, I do value Google's page rank, but I'm somewhat realistic about it. If I have no page rank, my site probably isn't getting any activity whatsoever, unless I'm a master internet marketer. However, if I'm a legitimate business that hopes many clients will find my site, or at least check out my site if I've given them a business card with my link on it, page rank will help me determine if I'm being as effective as I can be in my optimization efforts.

However, I also know that my type of business will never attain a perfect rank; just not enough links in the world to add to my content that will get me there. So, at a certain point, I know that I'll have to deal with that, and move on.

Mitch Mitchell
T. T. Mitchell Consulting, Inc.
Changing Attitudes and Perceptions for Unlimited Growth

Private Reply to Mitch Mitchell

Dec 05, 2007 2:25 pmre: re: SEO - Google PageRank#

Hank Cramer
Mitch -

Very well said - and I think you hit on a couple key points.

For many sites it doesn't really matter what your page rank is as long as you are addressing the need of your visitors with your site.

On the other hand - if you want your site to be found at the top of searches you should pay attention to your pagerank and try to improve it to improve your position.

Another key item to making it to the top of search results is your domain name itself.

For instance: Do a Google search for the term "Jiffy Ads".
JiffyAds.com and JiffyAds.net are both listed in the top 5 out of > 600,000 total and at the moment neither of them have a very good pagerank.



Private Reply to Hank Cramer

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