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PricesViews: 734
Oct 15, 2007 8:17 pmPrices#

Donna Evans
If I can ask, how do you determine your web design prices? I have customers who just want a small size, 2-4 pages, just to see if an internet presence is beneficial to their business. I had one woman who said she was quoted $1600 which I think it outrageous for a small size.

I know of one firm that charges $1000 for a five page site - and it is very simple pages that they design and could easily be done in 3-4 hours as there is not much design and nothing special - javascript, etc. that goes along with it.

I charge in the area of $400 for 3 pages and $700 to $800 for five page and I am wondering if I am not in the right ballpark here.

Gizmo Creations Website Design

Private Reply to Donna Evans

Oct 16, 2007 1:14 pmre: Prices#

Hank Cramer
Donna -

I would say the price would depend on the project and what the customer is looking for ss far as graphics, any data capture, etc.

A simple html page or two may be a bit less than something designed in Java or ASP.net which take more skills.

I've had some customers that just wanted their business name, contact info, some product info, and a 'join our mailing list' form, or an 'info request' submission form which only took less than 2 hours to put together in html and charged them $250.

For more complex projects I figure out the estimated time x hourly rate and quote them that way.



Private Reply to Hank Cramer

Oct 16, 2007 1:19 pmre: re: Prices#

Donna Evans
I may be still be too low. For a simple site of 2-3 pages I generally charge $325 or $350, but I work closely with the client and it can take 5-6 hours.

However, I work with a lot of small businesses and many of them will not pay more than that for a website.

Guess some phone calling is in order to see what competitors charge!


Private Reply to Donna Evans

Oct 16, 2007 2:33 pmre: re: re: Prices#

Hank Cramer
You might want to check Sologig.com.

On average I see web developers charging about $75 per hour.


Private Reply to Hank Cramer

Oct 22, 2007 12:59 pmre: re: re: re: Prices#

Jayant Patil

Thanks for starting this thread. It is really a problem for the provider and the buyer.

For simple web sites upto 5-6 pages, $20 per hour can be affordable by small business entrepreneurs.

For complex web sites, $50 per hour may be alright.

I feel the focus of the buyer and the provider should be on "Traffic friendly & sticky web sites" which helps both in long term.

Trustworty Virtual Assistants from India

Private Reply to Jayant Patil

Oct 24, 2007 10:10 pmre: re: re: re: re: Prices#

Donna Evans
This is still a tricky subject. If you price too high then people, especially small businesses are not interested and will look for a high school kid, brother, uncle, whatever to do their site. Even though these people don't know anything about SEO or what really makes good design.

And if you price too low you take the risk you don't look professional.

My target market is small businesses, including start ups that may have a shoe string budget. I use a good hosting company that is reasonable and that does keep prices down. The phone companies here provide hosting services and charge $25 a month. You get nothing more from them than you do from a company that charges $5 to $10 a month. So that is one way I keep my prices down.

I also see many designers charging $25 for a domain name. I charge $10 to $15. It takes so little to purchase and renew a name that I can't justify $25 a year.

Thanks for the input on prices.


Private Reply to Donna Evans

Nov 04, 2007 3:59 pmre: Prices#

Mitch Mitchell
The question about charging is always a complicated one. As Hank says, it all depends on what your customer wants.

Personally, I charge by the hour, because I find that what the customer asks for up front usually ends up being much different once I'm done. For instance, they may ask for only 4 pages, but suddenly it's up to 10 pages, and of course each one has to be optimized properly, which sometimes means time in research and rewriting their copy. I will alter the price depending on who it is; some folks I charge as little as $50 an hour, whereas others I'll charge upwards of $125 an hour. And there are always incentives to the clients that I offer, based on many different factors.

So, there you go; not a concrete answer, but one I hope is relevant.

Mitch Mitchell
T. T. Mitchell Consulting, Inc.
Changing Attitudes and Perceptions for Unlimited Growth

Private Reply to Mitch Mitchell

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