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Dedicated, Co-Location and Shared Hosting ServicesViews: 141
Feb 08, 2009 6:47 pm re: Dedicated, Co-Location and Shared Hosting Services

Reg Charie
HI Dawne,

Both bandwidth and server space are greatly overrated.
Having supplied hosting for about a decade, I can state with authority that rarely does a site come anywhere near the advertised limits on shared hosting packages.
More important is processor strength and speed, especially in light of today's highly intensive database use.

What IS also important is timely and inclusive support and instruction. While we cannot offer 24x7 service, we do go the extra mile in offering personal support through instant messenger.

Also important is whether you are getting your server package from a reseller or a principal.

Even though the reseller seems like they can offer you more individualized service, you are still under the host company's rules and policies.
You are also more likely to be just one of hundreds or thousands of co-hosted domains and if you step outside of their often unwritten bandwidth boundaries, can find yourself without a functioning website, despite the good intentions of the reseller.
This can often happen when your site captures the interest of the media and the BURST traffic exceeds the contract's fine print limitations.

Another important factor is the control panel that the customer uses to manage their site. We offer cPanel which is considered among the top systems. Also included with cPanel is Fantastico which offers 'one click' installs of over 50 of the major website building and accessory packages.

For business to business deals we work hand in hand with other developers, offering them cost effective packages which they can mark up for resale to their clients.

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